Word of the Day
Definition: (adjective) Being an imitation or a substitute, usually an inferior one; artificial. Synonyms: imitation. Usage: He was fairly sure that no coffee beans had been involved in its production, but he was tired enough to drink the ersatz coffee anyway.
Definition: (verb) To buoy up or hearten. Synonyms: boost. Usage: Visitors bolstered the patient's morale. Discuss
Definition: (noun) Defiant or swaggering behavior. Synonyms: bluster. Usage: In a moment it was hand-to-hand fighting, and Trent was cursing already the bravado which had brought him out to the open.
Definition: (adjective) Attracting attention in a vulgar manner. Synonyms: flashy, garish, gaudy, tawdry, trashy, tacky. Usage: The town's tasteful welcome sign was replaced with a meretricious monstrosity, a blinking neon tower. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Of, relating to, or expressive of love, especially sexual love. Synonyms: amorous, romantic. Usage: She showed her friends the stack of old love letters and read them excerpts from the couple's amatory correspondence.
Definition: (adjective) Of a healthy reddish color. Synonyms: rubicund, ruddy. Usage: He had a sanguine complexion that was matched by his cheerful outlook.
Definition: (adjective) Effusively or tearfully sentimental. Synonyms: bathetic, mawkish, schmaltzy, mushy. Usage: When the farewells were in danger of becoming maudlin, he judged that it was time to leave. Discuss
Definition: (noun) Hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases. Synonyms: cure-all, panacea, catholicon. Usage: Stay healthy, for science is no closer to a nostrum than alchemy was.
Definition: (adjective) Coming into existence; emerging. Synonyms: beginning. Usage: The nascent republic had to formulate its laws while continuing its war for independence.
Definition: (verb) Charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone. Synonyms: asperse, calumniate, defame, slander, denigrate, sully, smear. Usage: She denied everything the tabloids wrote about her, stating that they were only trying to besmirch her reputation. Discuss