Word of the Day
Definition: (adjective) Of the highest quality. Synonyms: A-one, ace, crack, first-rate, super, tiptop, tops. Usage: Everyone wants a top-notch specialist when it comes to laser eye surgery. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Without compunction or human feeling. Synonyms: inhuman, insensate, cold. Usage: These callous, cold-blooded killers butchered six people. Discuss
Definition: (verb) To get the better of by cunning or ingenuity. Synonyms: outsmart, overreach, circumvent, outfox, beat. Usage: She managed to outwit the police and escape to the safe house with the loot. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) (Used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity. Synonyms: mingy, tight, mean. Usage: The necessity of disbursing passage money for all his tribe seemed to disturb him in a manner that was the more striking because otherwise he gave no signs of a miserly disposition. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Rise up as in fear. Synonyms: uprise, stand up. Usage: The creaking of the house at night makes the hair on the nape of my neck bristle. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people. Synonyms: cultural. Usage: In my family, holidays are celebrated with lavish meals featuring ethnic foods that remind us of our ancestors' Eastern European roots. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A leather-covered bludgeon with a short, flexible shaft or strap, used as a hand weapon. Synonyms: cosh, sap. Usage: He was beaten so badly with the blackjack that he suffered several broken bones. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Lacking embellishment or ornamentation. Synonyms: unembellished, plain, spare, bare. Usage: Strangers, who saw her for the first time, saw a lady in the prime of her life—a lady plainly dressed in unornamented white. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Capable of leading to physiological or psychological dependence. Synonyms: addictive. Usage: Cocaine is a habit-forming drug. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Laugh quietly. Synonyms: snicker. Usage: The rude tourists snigger at the locals' outdated ways and dress. Discuss