Word of the Day
Definition: (noun) Formal and explicit approval. Synonyms: countenance, endorsement, sanction, warrant. Usage: The candidate's campaign was bolstered by the imprimatur of New York's governor. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Express one's opinion openly and without fear or hesitation. Synonyms: animadvert, sound off, speak out, speak up. Usage: "I dare say it is all for the best," opined Mrs. Munt. Discuss
Definition: (noun) The senior member of a group, profession, or society. Synonyms: dean. Usage: Raffles regarded me with that tantalizing smile of his…and in a flash I was convinced that our most jealous enemy and dangerous rival, the doyen of an older school, had paid him yet another visit. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Of, relating to, or having the power of divination; prophetic. Synonyms: divinatory, sibyllic, sibylline, vatic. Usage: The oracle's mantic powers were well known, and pilgrims came from far and wide to worship and bring gifts. Discuss
Definition: (verb) To deceive or swindle by deception. Synonyms: trick, fool, cheat, con. Usage: You don't understand that what imposes on common folk would never hoodwink an editor. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Grossly irreverent toward what is or is held to be sacred. Synonyms: blasphemous, profane. Usage: They took an oath mutually to defend and protect the united cities, to punish the violators of this oath, and to inflict vengeance on sacrilegious despoilers of the temple. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A girl or woman regarded as dull, plain, or unfashionable. Synonyms: dog. Usage: Her hairstyle had not changed since the early 1970s, and she did little to shed her reputation as a frump. Discuss
Definition: (verb) To express great joy. Synonyms: exuberate, exult, rejoice, triumph. Usage: Today is a day to jubilate in the knowledge that we are truly free.
Definition: (adjective) Not subject or susceptible to change. Synonyms: changeless. Usage: Destiny was too potent, and her immutable laws had decreed my utter and terrible destruction. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one). Synonyms: comeback, counter, rejoinder, replication, retort, return. Usage: His sassy comment brought a sharp riposte from the teacher, and the shamed student's cheeks turned a deep crimson. Discuss