Word of the Day
Definition: (verb) Range or extend over; occupy a certain area. Synonyms: range. Usage: With his car straddling two lanes of traffic and with fifteen police cruisers in hot pursuit, the out-of-control driver sped down the highway. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A broad, flat-topped elevation with one or more clifflike sides, common in the southwest United States. Synonyms: table. Usage: They scaled forest-clad heights until they emerged on a naked mesa. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A new personification of a familiar idea. Synonyms: avatar, incarnation. Usage: The State is the visible embodiment of justice under the conditions of human society. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Characterized by little or inadequate light; shadowy. Synonyms: twilight, twilit. Usage: I met him on the road one dusky evening, and he insisted on seeing me safely home. Discuss
Definition: (noun) One praying humbly for something. Synonyms: petitioner, requester, supplicant. Usage: "Oh, God!" prayed the kneeling suppliant, "protect my husband, guard my son, and take my wretched life instead!" Discuss
Definition: (verb) Spread or diffuse through. Synonyms: imbue, permeate, pervade, diffuse, riddle, penetrate. Usage: Crossing his arms on his chest, as if to control this new sensation of delight, he drank in delicious draughts of that mysterious air which interpenetrates at night the loftiest forests. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Exhibiting or feeling great or offensive satisfaction with oneself or with one's situation; self-righteously complacent. Synonyms: self-satisfied. Usage: On his face was the smug look of a toad breakfasting on fat marsh flies. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Emotionally hardened; unfeeling. Synonyms: indurate, pachydermatous. Usage: He was a callous man and cared not for the suffering of others. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) (Of words) Formed in imitation of a natural sound. Synonyms: echoic, onomatopoeic. Usage: Onomatopoeic words like "buzz" and "murmur" are imitative of the noises they describe. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Easily deceived or duped. Synonyms: fleeceable, green. Usage: Maddie was a gullible young girl, and we easily convinced her that our homely history teacher was actually a runaway princess in disguise. Discuss