Word of the Day
Definition: (verb) To take in or assimilate (ideas, facts, etc.). Synonyms: soak up, absorb. Usage: Thus, like figs, do these doctrines fall for you, my friends: imbibe now their juice and their sweet substance. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Be a hindrance or obstacle to. Synonyms: hinder. Usage: By questioning every proposal, she is impeding the progress of our project.
Definition: (adverb) In the fresh air. Synonyms: outdoors. Usage: Dining alfresco is one of my great summer pleasures.
Definition: (noun) Reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others. Synonyms: mischief, devilment, rascality. Usage: Ms. Adams caught Tommy dipping Sally's pigtail in his inkwell and gave him detention for his roguery. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Lacking courage; cowardly. Synonyms: spineless, craven. Usage: Why, you pusillanimous piece of dirt, you'd run with your tail between your legs if I said boo! Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Expressing sorrow; melancholy. Synonyms: mournful. Usage: She uttered a plaintive sob, closed her fine eyes, and fled, trying in vain to still the beating of her heart. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A strong feeling of aversion or repugnance. Synonyms: aversion, distaste. Usage: He divined the fanatical love of freedom in her, the deep-seated antipathy for restraint of any sort.
Definition: (adjective) Having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching. Synonyms: neighboring, adjacent, conterminous. Usage: The windows of the back rooms overlooked an enormous court, which formed the center of the square made by the buildings which faced the four contiguous streets.
Definition: (verb) To assign to an obscure place, position, or condition. Synonyms: demote, bump. Usage: After allowing the other team to score on three consecutive shots, he was relegated to the bench. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A gesture or movement of the body, such as a curtsy, that expresses deference or homage. Synonyms: bow. Usage: And so without a word he led her to the door, opened it, and bowed yet lower as she swept out, but still without a tinge of mockery in the obeisance. Discuss