Word of the Day
Definition: (noun) The most important person in a group or undertaking. Synonyms: bigwig, top banana. Usage: A years-long undercover operation finally yielded the evidence needed to bring down the country's most notorious drug kingpin. Discuss
Definition: (verb) To furnish or serve as an example of; typify. Synonyms: represent. Usage: Her character exemplifies the emotional turmoil of many women.
Definition: (adjective) Free of guilt; not subject to blame. Synonyms: blameless, inculpable, irreproachable. Usage: As is indeed not unfrequent with women of unimpeachable virtue … at a distance she not only excused illicit love, she positively envied it.
Definition: (noun) A shifty, deceptive person. Synonyms: dodger, fox. Usage: I can never trust that slyboots at the office—she is polite to my face, but I always catch her belittling me to our coworkers! Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Characterized by intense emotion. Synonyms: ardent, fervent, fervid, fiery, impassioned, torrid. Usage: Their perfervid love affair was punctuated by shouting, hysterical crying, and desperate apologies. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Express strong disapproval of. Synonyms: condemn, decry, excoriate, reprobate. Usage: During the sentencing, the judge objurgated the crime in the strongest possible terms.
Definition: (verb) Deliver a hard blow to. Synonyms: smack. Usage: Frustrated at being unable to fix it, Dad thwacked the engine, and it started right up.
Definition: (verb) Pierce with a sharp stake or point. Synonyms: spike, transfix. Usage: My mother always warned me not to run with scissors, lest I fall and impale myself on the blades. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Guided by whim and fancy. Synonyms: flighty, head-in-the-clouds, scatterbrained. Usage: The flyaway young girl came to the formal dinner covered in dirt, as she had opted to roll down the hill instead of going around it like her sisters.
Definition: (adjective) Irritable and perverse in disposition; ill-tempered. Synonyms: fussy, grouchy, grumpy, cross. Usage: I first put out my tacky lawn ornaments as a practical joke, but after my persnickety, crabbed neighbor lodged a complaint about them, I dug my heels in and refused to take them down. Discuss