Word of the Day
Definition: (noun) An often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining. Synonyms: complaint, ill. Usage: She pretended that she was always well now, and concealed her ailments so craftily that we had to probe for them.
Definition: (adjective) Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited. Synonyms: impassive. Usage: Her face showed nothing but stolid indifference.
Definition: (adjective) Capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out. Synonyms: tractile, ductile, pliant, tensile. Usage: I am not very handy with a chisel, so when I sculpt, I prefer to use malleable materials that I can bend and shape as I please. Discuss
Definition: (verb) To move from one place to another. Synonyms: go, travel. Usage: Unlike most other fish, seahorses maintain an upright position when they locomote. Discuss
Definition: (verb) To cry or screech like a cat in heat. Synonyms: yowl. Usage: Ever since the neighborhood strays chose my garden as the place to congregate and caterwaul, I have not had a sound night's sleep.
Definition: (adjective) Stubbornly conservative and narrow-minded. Synonyms: traditionalist. Usage: It is no use trying to reason with your grandfather, he is a hidebound old man who will never understand your position on the matter.
Definition: (noun) The act of involving or complicating or the state of being involved or complicated. Synonyms: intricacy, elaboration. Usage: The tale itself is a mere sketch, with no involution of plot, nor any great interest of events. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Perform an act, usually with a negative connotation. Synonyms: commit, pull. Usage: Only a sadistic, depraved person could perpetrate a crime like this.
Definition: (adjective) Producing no result or effect. Synonyms: futile, ineffectual, otiose. Usage: Immediately conscious how unavailing any struggle against such an overwhelming force must prove, he submitted to his fate.
Definition: (adjective) Free of deceit. Synonyms: transparent. Usage: She was so guileless that he had no option but to believe her. Discuss