Word of the Day
Definition: (noun) Extreme excess. Synonyms: overplus, superfluity, embarrassment. Usage: The mind of man can scarce conceive the plethora of carnivorous life in this lost world; and their prey, of course, is even more abundant. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Characterized by or liable to sudden unpredictable changes in attitude or behavior. Synonyms: whimsical, impulsive. Usage: My wife's capricious mood swings are beginning to worry me, and I fear she may need professional help.
Definition: (adjective) Characterized by or exhibiting friendliness or goodwill. Synonyms: friendly, civil, peaceful, polite, harmonious, amiable, courteous, cordial, sociable, fraternal. Usage: Our dispute was finally settled in an amicable manner, and we parted as friends.
Definition: (noun) A mournful poem; a lament for the dead. Synonyms: lament, requiem, dirge. Usage: Standing beside his departed friend's casket, Mike delivered a moving elegy that brought everyone in the room to tears. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Utterly stupid or silly. Synonyms: fatuous, inane, vacuous, mindless. Usage: The class clown's asinine behavior in the classroom landed him, once again, in detention.
Definition: (noun) Morally objectionable behavior. Synonyms: evil, wickedness, immorality. Usage: Each member of the congregation, the most innocent girl, and the man of hardened breast, felt as if the preacher had crept upon them … and discovered their hoarded iniquity of deed or thought.
Definition: (adjective) Causing irritation or annoyance. Synonyms: annoying, bothersome, galling, irritating, nettlesome, pesky, pestering, plaguey, teasing, pestiferous. Usage: Our new acquaintance had become involved in a vexatious difficulty with his pipe which had suddenly betrayed his trust and disappointed his anticipation of self-indulgence. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Ask for or request earnestly. Synonyms: adjure, entreat, conjure, bid, press. Usage: Daddy, I beseech you to stop smoking before it is too late.
Definition: (verb) Annoy continually or chronically. Synonyms: beset, harass, harry, hassle, molest, plague, provoke. Usage: The senator is very demanding and is reputed to endlessly chivvy her staff to work harder.
Definition: (noun) An unrestrained expression of emotion. Synonyms: effusion, outburst, blowup, gush. Usage: The count bit his lips till the blood almost started, to prevent the ebullition of anger which his proud and irritable temper scarcely allowed him to restrain. Discuss