Word of the Day
Definition: (noun) An enclosed compartment from which a vessel can be navigated. Synonyms: wheelhouse. Usage: Alone in the pilothouse, Captain Anderson enjoyed the tranquil expanse of ocean before him as he silently steered the ship.
Definition: (verb) To waste time, especially in indecision; dawdle or vacillate. Synonyms: drag one's feet, procrastinate, stall, shillyshally. Usage: If you continue to dilly-dally, we will be late for choir practice. Discuss
Definition: (noun) Something serving to conceal plans; a fictitious reason that is concocted in order to conceal the real reason. Synonyms: pretext. Usage: Steve said he needed a book from the library, but that was just a stalking-horse to talk to the girl who worked behind the counter.
Definition: (verb) Realize beforehand. Synonyms: foreknow, foresee, anticipate. Usage: Sadly, I did not previse the trouble that would arise from showing up at my ex-wife's house uninvited.
Definition: (noun) The failure to obey. Synonyms: disobedience. Usage: After seemingly ignoring her boss's requests for months, Sue was finally fired for noncompliance. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed). Synonyms: compunction, remorse. Usage: There came to her a chill self-reproach that she had not returned sooner, to help her mother in these domesticities, instead of indulging herself out-of-doors.
Definition: (adjective) (Informal) Splendid; fine. Synonyms: bully, corking, cracking, dandy, nifty, smashing, swell, groovy, keen, great. Usage: Martha and I are in the middle of an extended vacation in Hawaii, so everything is just peachy as far as we are concerned. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Unhurried and relaxed. Synonyms: mellow. Usage: The interview was so laid-back that it felt more like I was chatting with a friend than promoting myself as a candidate for the job. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Move back and forth very rapidly. Synonyms: flicker, flutter, quiver, waver. Usage: The hummingbird flittered from one flower to the next, darting instinctively to wherever the nectar was most plentiful.
Definition: (adjective) Capable of being distributed. Synonyms: apportionable. Usage: Although our department's budget was increased this year, only a small portion of the funds are allocable to travel expenses. Discuss