Word of the Day
Definition: (noun) Beating with a whip or strap or rope as a form of punishment. Synonyms: flogging, lashing, tanning. Usage: The poor servant boy bore the scars of flagellation, which was his master's preferred punishment for nearly any infraction. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Requiring or showing effort. Synonyms: heavy. Usage: He knocked again, harder than before, for behind him he heard the steps and the labored breathing of his persecutors. Discuss
Definition: (noun) The termination or disintegration of a relationship (between persons or nations). Synonyms: dissolution. Usage: The breakup of the Soviet Union had long-term consequences for international politics.
Definition: (noun) The public sale of something to the highest bidder. Synonyms: auction. Usage: Most of George's possessions will be sold at vendue to help settle his sizable debts.
Definition: (verb) Fill with sublime emotion. Synonyms: beatify, exhilarate, tickle pink, exalt, thrill. Usage: He receives your propositions with an enthusiasm which cheers, and plunges into their accomplishment with an alacrity which almost inebriates. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Inclined to help or support; not antagonistic or hostile. Synonyms: friendly, favorable. Usage: Margaret, the other sister, was a good-humored, well-disposed girl.
Definition: (noun) The act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously (especially by ridicule); provoking someone with persistent annoyances. Synonyms: tantalization, teasing. Usage: After falling from his chair in front of the entire senior management team, Harold spent the rest of the week suffering his coworkers' ribbing. Discuss
Definition: (noun) Someone who tells lies. Synonyms: fabricator, fibber. Usage: Ms. Jordan is a veteran teacher, so she has no patience for storytellers who try to weasel out of her assignments with fanciful excuses. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A small being, human in form, playful and having magical powers. Synonyms: fairy, fay. Usage: She seemed rather an airy sprite, which, after playing its fantastic sports for a little while upon the cottage floor, would flit away with a mocking smile. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A wicked or evil person; someone who does evil deliberately. Synonyms: villain. Usage: I am afraid to leave you here with these devilish scoundrels.