Word of the Day
Definition: (noun) The quality of being kind and gentle. Synonyms: graciousness. Usage: As he opened his mouth to speak, a look almost of benignity, of kindliness, momentarily lighted up his fierce and terrible countenance.
Definition: (noun) Someone who guards prisoners. Synonyms: jailer, screw. Usage: The turnkey will take you to the prisoner's cell and leave you there. Discuss
Definition: (noun) <i>informal</i> A person's head. Synonyms: bonce, dome. Usage: You should always protect your noggin first and foremost, kids.
Definition: (noun) The state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age). Synonyms: debility, feebleness, frailty, valetudinarianism. Usage: We all knew it was infirmity, not indifference, that kept Grandma Jane from attending my graduation. Discuss
Definition: (noun) Information known only to a special group. Synonyms: secret. Usage: I would love to have Mrs. Anderson's delicious muffin recipe, but that arcanum is shared only with her blood relatives. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Belittle. Synonyms: deprecate. Usage: In my culture, men commonly vilipend women and treat them as second-class citizens. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Intended to deceive. Synonyms: spurious. Usage: Jim congratulated me on my promotion, but his inauthentic excitement did little to mask his jealousy.
Definition: (noun) The male head of family or tribe. Synonyms: patriarch. Usage: In my family, Grandpa Ed is the unquestioned paterfamilias, and we all defer to him when it comes to important household decisions. Discuss
Definition: (noun) An easy victory. Synonyms: blowout, romp, runaway, shoo-in, laugher. Usage: Stanley has a gift for science and has won first prize at his past four science fairs, so this year's fair is almost a guaranteed walkaway for him.
Definition: (adjective) Too sacred to be uttered. Synonyms: ineffable, unspeakable, unutterable. Usage: The deliberate enunciation of the ancient, unnameable runes shocked the holy men devoted to guarding the idol. Discuss