Word of the Day
Definition: (noun) Wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living. Synonyms: luxuriousness, sumptuousness. Usage: The estate had formerly belonged to a gentleman of opulence and taste, who had bestowed some considerable attention to the adornment of his grounds.
Definition: (noun) The choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience. Synonyms: essence, heart and soul, inwardness, gist, pith, substance, meat, nub, kernel, sum, core, marrow, center. Usage: While I will devote some time to Thomas Edison's personal life, his many inventions will compose the nitty-gritty of my presentation. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Conforming to standards of conduct and good taste; suitable. Synonyms: becoming, comely, comme il faut, decent, decorous. Usage: Her friends think it is not seemly for her to be dating a man half her age, but she only cares that he makes her happy. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Close in time; about to occur. Synonyms: imminent, at hand. Usage: After a long and grueling career at the factory, Larry was eagerly anticipating his impendent retirement.
Definition: (noun) The trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger. Synonyms: boldness, daring. Usage: He could not walk the street with any peace of mind, so conscious was he that the gentle and timid would turn aside to avoid him, and that others would make it a point of hardihood […]
Definition: (verb) Reject outright and bluntly. Synonyms: snub, repel. Usage: When we left school he made advances to me; I did not rebuff them, for I was flattered, but we soon parted. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) <i>(Used of statements)</i> Harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign. Synonyms: defamatory, denigrating, libelous, slanderous. Usage: He concluded by calling for an investigation, which might dispose of the calumnious report before it had time to spread. Discuss
Definition: (noun) The art or process of learning while asleep by means of lessons recorded on disk or tapes. Synonyms: sleep-learning. Usage: Hypnopedia may not be a proven learning technique, but I figure it can't hurt to replay my professors' lectures throughout the night just in case.
Definition: (verb) Leave undone or leave out. Synonyms: neglect, omit, overleap, overlook, miss, drop. Usage: Tom overslept and would need to pretermit his usual morning workout if he wanted to make it to work on time.
Definition: (verb) Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses). Synonyms: arouse, elicit, evoke, provoke, fire, raise. Usage: Melissa's coy smile enkindled the hopes of the young man seeking her favor. Discuss