Word of the Day
Definition: (adjective) Extremely pleasing to the sense of taste. Synonyms: delectable, scrumptious, yummy, delicious, luscious. Usage: I cannot get enough of your toothsome honey-sweetened gingerbread! Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Steadfast; resolute. Synonyms: resolved. Usage: He was single-minded in his determination to stop smoking.
Definition: (noun) Boastful or bombastic talk or behavior. Synonyms: brag, gasconade. Usage: Captain Bonneville purchased a supply of buffalo meat from his braggadocio friends; who, with all their vaporing, were in fact a very forlorn horde. Discuss
Definition: (noun) Noisy quarrel. Synonyms: affray, altercation. Usage: A loud and violent fracas took place between the infantry Colonel and his lady, who were dining at the Cafe de Paris.
Definition: (adjective) Highly educated; having extensive information or understanding. Synonyms: knowledgeable, well-read, learned. Usage: They are few in number, but it is a choice audience, a lettered audience.
Definition: (adjective) Feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds. Synonyms: repentant. Usage: She now presented herself, with an elaborate apology, and with the nearest approach to a penitent expression of which her face was capable. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A container for burning incense (especially one that is swung on a chain in a religious ritual). Synonyms: thurible. Usage: The organ was muttering, censers were swinging, candles were glinting on the distant altar, and robed priests were filing silently past them.
Definition: (verb) To speak of in a slighting or disrespectful way. Synonyms: belittle, pick at. Usage: When it came to the principal's attention that Mrs. Smith regularly disparaged her students' efforts, she was removed from the classroom and reprimanded.
Definition: (noun) Someone who makes and sells hats. Synonyms: hatter, modiste. Usage: The milliner is making me a special pillbox hat with a detachable veil to wear on my wedding day. Discuss
Definition: (verb) To speak disapprovingly to (a person); rebuke or scold. Synonyms: admonish. Usage: He reproved the child for his bad behavior and sent him to bed without supper. Discuss