Word of the Day
Definition: (noun) An instance of misfortune. Synonyms: mischance, mishap. Usage: D'Artagnan ran home immediately, and although it was three o'clock in the morning and he had some of the worst quarters of Paris to traverse, he met with no misadventure. Discuss
Definition: (verb) To talk foolishly. Synonyms: smatter, babble. Usage: Patrick, oblivious to his sister's visible disinterest, continued to blather about the woes of his fantasy baseball team.
Definition: (adjective) Deserving of esteem and respect. Synonyms: estimable, respectable, good. Usage: You are offended at being put on duty a bit, but why not apologize to an old and honorable officer? Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Stupid and confused. Synonyms: muddleheaded, puddingheaded. Usage: George was so shocked by the failure of his overseas investments that he began babbling to his accountant like an addlepated nincompoop.
Definition: (noun) Abnormal alignment of one or both eyes. Synonyms: squint. Usage: Andrew's strabismus has hampered his vision for years, but he is finally exploring the medical options available to correct the defect.
Definition: (verb) Make famous forever. Synonyms: eternalize. Usage: The small Transylvania town was immortalized in the famous story of Dracula. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A musical composition for voices and orchestra based on a religious text. Synonyms: oratorio. Usage: Instead of the band a choir began singing a cantata composed by Paul Ivanovich Kutuzov.
Definition: (adjective) Not prepared or vigilant. Synonyms: napping. Usage: The burglar caught our security personnel off-guard and escaped the facility before they had even sounded the alarm.
Definition: (adjective) Lacking the usual or necessary number of workers, employees, or assistants. Synonyms: undermanned, understaffed. Usage: Three of our waitresses called in sick today, so we are rather short-handed at the moment. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A whimsically eccentric person. Synonyms: fruitcake, nut case, screwball, crank. Usage: By wearing a tinfoil hat everywhere he goes, Mr. Williams has earned himself a reputation as the town crackpot.