Word of the Day
Definition: (adjective) Intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner. Synonyms: busybodied, interfering, officious. Usage: Though she means well, my meddlesome mother invariably drives away all of my boyfriends with her unwelcome intrusions. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A hardy cabbage with coarse curly leaves that do not form a head. Synonyms: borecole, kale. Usage: Although he thought his aunt's boiled colewort was disgusting, Harold politely ate the meal without complaint.
Definition: (noun) The act of positioning close together (or side by side). Synonyms: juxtaposition, apposition. Usage: Nina gained notoriety among interior designers for her brilliant collocation of unusual colors and shapes. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) (Of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful. Synonyms: brawny, hefty, muscular. Usage: She saw the sinewy form leap to the shoulder of the lion, hurtling against the leaping beast like a huge, animate battering ram. Discuss
Definition: (noun) Taking advantage of opportunities without regard for the consequences for others. Synonyms: opportunism, self-interest, expedience. Usage: He had one devoted friend at least, and he had conquered one soul in the world that was neither rudimentary nor tainted with self-seeking. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A newly invented word or phrase. Synonyms: coinage. Usage: Neologisms are often coined when people begin using newly released technology. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Hold back to a later time. Synonyms: postpone, put off, defer, set back, shelve, table, remit, hold over. Usage: My students begged me to prorogue the upcoming European history exam so that they could have more time to study. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Spend thoughtlessly; throw away. Synonyms: waste, blow. Usage: Each man swore that for once he would be sensible and not squander his money. Discuss
Definition: (verb) To happen or happen to. Synonyms: bechance, befall. Usage: Woe betide anyone who got in his way. Discuss
Definition: (noun) An implement with a shaft and barbed point used for catching fish. Synonyms: lance, spear. Usage: I gently slid the salmon off my fishgig and passed it to my son, who placed it with the rest of the day's catch. Discuss