Word of the Day
Definition: (noun) A gold coin of the Byzantine Empire; widely circulated in Europe in the Middle Ages. Synonyms: solidus. Usage: The gold coin I found on my archaeology dig turned out to be an authentic bezant. Discuss
Definition: (noun) The umbrellalike fruiting structure forming the top of a stalked fleshy fungus, such as a mushroom; the cap. Synonyms: cap. Usage: The recipe instructs the chef to separate the pileus from the stalk, presumably because the former adds more flavor to the dish.
Definition: (noun) A person having a strong liking for something. Synonyms: enthusiast. Usage: I am somewhat of a fowl fancier, and I have seldom seen a better grown goose.
Definition: (noun) A thicket or grove of small trees or shrubs, especially one maintained by periodic cutting or pruning to encourage suckering, as in the cultivation of cinnamon trees for their bark. Synonyms: thicket, brush, copse, brushwood. Usage: They determined on walking round Beechen Cliff, that noble hill whose beautiful verdure and hanging coppice render […]
Definition: (noun) A complex carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stem pith of plants, notably in corn, potatoes, wheat, and rice. Synonyms: starch. Usage: She was on a strict diet and avoided foods with high levels of amylum, sugar, and saturated fat.
Definition: (noun) A loose coverall (coat or frock) reaching down to the ankles. Synonyms: dust coat, smock, duster. Usage: He was an unshaven little man in a threadbare coat like a gaberdine, with his feet in slippers, and I thought him a harmless fool.
Definition: (noun) A hostile disagreement face-to-face. Synonyms: confrontation, encounter, showdown. Usage: The relationship between the two officers deteriorated until they had a noisy face-off at the chief's office. Discuss
Definition: (noun) Theatrical arts or performances. Synonyms: theatrical performance, representation. Usage: They had lunch, then went to the theater to enjoy an hour of histrionics.
Definition: (noun) A pad placed under a carpet. Synonyms: carpet pad, rug pad. Usage: After they removed the underlayment, the young cousins were able to slide the rug across the hardwood floor as though it were a sled on ice. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed. Synonyms: alligator pear, avocado, avocado pear. Usage: Jim prepared his special aguacate dip and served it with tortilla chips.