Word of the Day
Definition: (verb) Overturn accidentally. Synonyms: turn turtle. Usage: Do not rock the boat or it will capsize! Discuss
Definition: (verb) Make a crackling sound. Synonyms: crackle. Usage: My physical therapist jokes that I have bubble wrap in my knee, because it crepitates every time that I squat down. Discuss
Definition: (noun) Crafty deception or trickery or an instance of it. Synonyms: hanky panky, hocus-pocus, jiggery-pokery, slickness, trickery. Usage: No one trusted Glenn enough to invest in his new business venture, as he had a history of skullduggery. Discuss
Definition: (noun) An injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration. Synonyms: bruise. Usage: The purple and green contusion on my arm looks much worse than it actually feels. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Occurring immediately after birth. Synonyms: postpartum. Usage: Premature babies often spend the postnatal period in the neonatal intensive care unit, where they receive specialized care. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Reflecting light. Synonyms: glistening, shiny, glossy. Usage: There arrived through the post a small card-board box addressed to me, which I found to contain a very large and lustrous pearl. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly. Synonyms: confound, confuse, discombobulate, fox, bedevil, throw. Usage: The question befuddled even the teacher, who promised to research the subject that night and have an answer for her students the next day in class. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Restrained in style or quality. Synonyms: subdued. Usage: After the wild party she had last year, Elena was looking forward to finally having a low-key birthday celebration. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Extremely aggressive or violent. Synonyms: fierce, furious, savage. Usage: There were rumors that Miller's guard dog was as feriocious as they come, but in reality he was just a docile hound. Discuss
Definition: (noun) Someone with an assured and ingratiating manner. Synonyms: smoothie, sweet talker. Usage: Joseph was such a charmer that he was able to convince Hannah to give him the last of her mother's homemade cookies. Discuss