Word of the Day
Definition: (verb) Embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical example of. Synonyms: epitomize. Usage: The fugue typifies Bach's style of composition. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A short sleep or doze. Synonyms: forty winks, snooze. Usage: After making sure that my office door was locked and that I would not be caught, I settled in for a quick catnap at my desk. Discuss
Definition: (verb) To break out anew or come into renewed activity, as after a period of quiescence. Synonyms: develop, break. Usage: These political movements recrudesce from time to time. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Mark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained. Synonyms: blotch, streak. Usage: Her first words had caused the red of humiliation to mottle his already ruby visage to a semblance of purple. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A small child. Synonyms: kid, minor, child, tiddler, youngster, nestling, shaver, small fry, tyke. Usage: I could not have been much more than a nipper when you last saw me, but now I am all grown up. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Lacking pathways. Synonyms: pathless, roadless, untrodden. Usage: They had to traverse the most dreary and desolate mountains, and barren and trackless wastes, uninhabited by man, or occasionally infested by predatory and cruel savages. Discuss
Definition: (noun) Doubt about the truth of something. Synonyms: disbelief, incredulity, mental rejection. Usage: Ghek made no reply, nor did his expressionless face denote either belief or skepticism. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed. Synonyms: cark, disorder, disquiet, unhinge, distract, trouble. Usage: She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill. Discuss
Definition: (noun) Teacher at a university or college (especially at Cambridge or Oxford). Synonyms: don. Usage: Dessalles, the tutor he had brought from Switzerland, was wearing a coat of Russian cut and talking broken Russian to the servants, but was still the same narrowly intelligent, conscientious, and pedantic preceptor. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Become bubbly or frothy or foaming. Synonyms: fizz, foam, froth, sparkle. Usage: The champagne effervesced in the glasses. Discuss