Word of the Day
Definition: (noun) A state of uncertainty or perplexity. Synonyms: dilemma. Usage: The situation was awkward, but nothing like the quandary they had found themselves in when their car had broken down on a deserted road.
Definition: (verb) To deceive or drop (a lover) suddenly or callously. Synonyms: forsake. Usage: Since being jilted by his fiancée, he had grown to distrust all women. Discuss
Definition: (verb) To waste away; wither or deteriorate. Synonyms: shrivel, weaken. Usage: She had not painted in many years, and she was worried that her creativity had atrophied.
Definition: (noun) A damage or loss. Synonyms: hurt. Usage: Her employers were understanding, and she was able to take a long leave of absence without detriment to her career. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Of or relating to merchants or trade. Synonyms: commercial. Usage: With so many vendors, the mercantile aspect of the historical site has nearly overtaken its original purpose.
Definition: (adverb) To or toward that place; in that direction. Synonyms: there. Usage: Let us stroll thither, and examine the matter nearer.
Definition: (noun) A playful leap or hop. Synonyms: capriole. Usage: The child's playfulness was amusing at first, but they soon grew tired of his capers. Discuss
Definition: (noun) An unforeseen event that disrupts the normal course of things; an inopportune occurrence. Synonyms: mishap, predicament, calamity. Usage: His cross-country tour had its full share of comic contretemps.
Definition: (adjective) Very cold; icy. Synonyms: arctic, frigid, glacial, polar. Usage: After only a few minutes in the gelid wind, they were shivering too hard to speak. Discuss
Definition: (noun) One who has the power and position to rule over others. Synonyms: dictator. Usage: She was a potentate in her home, all her relatives being too cowed to protest her decisions.