Word of the Day
Definition: (noun) Armor carried on the arm to intercept blows. Synonyms: shield. Usage: As soon as he deflected his opponent's blow with his buckler, he went on the offensive, slashing away with his sword. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Reject as false; refuse to accept. Synonyms: discredit. Usage: He was inclined to disbelieve her story, but she had several documents to support her claims. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Deprive of by deceit. Synonyms: bunco, con, defraud, diddle, goldbrick, gyp, hornswoggle, mulct, nobble, rook, scam, short-change, victimize. Usage: He swindled investors out of millions of dollars. Discuss
Definition: (noun) Translation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program; usually displayed at the bottom of the screen. Synonyms: caption. Usage: Despite having to read the subtitles for the duration of the film, I found myself lost in the storyline and thoroughly enjoyed it. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) For which money is paid. Synonyms: compensable, paying, salaried, stipendiary. Usage: I have worked as an unpaid intern for long enough and am now seeking remunerative employment. Discuss
Definition: (verb) Place (something) where one cannot find it again. Synonyms: misplace, lose. Usage: I seem to have mislaid my wallet; can you put this on my tab? Discuss
Definition: (verb) Apply to a wrong thing or person; apply badly or incorrectly. Synonyms: misuse. Usage: Thus they misapply the sacred writings to defend practices yet more corrupt than those I have been speaking of. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Having a play of lustrous rainbow colors. Synonyms: opalescent, pearlescent, nacreous. Usage: Soap bubbles are iridescent. Discuss
Definition: (verb) To injure (a joint) by a sudden twisting or wrenching of its ligaments. Synonyms: rick, wrench, twist, turn. Usage: I tripped in the pothole and sprained my ankle when I fell down. Discuss
Definition: (adjective) Yielding a fair profit. Synonyms: paying, paid. Usage: The lack of opportunities for gainful employment in the county after the lumber mill closed meant that many families had to apply for public assistance. Discuss